A random mom's random blog- featuring an eclectic mix of my thoughts, comments, opinions, and observations as they pertain to ....pretty much anything.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

What in my what-meal?? What kind of blog name is that!!??

Yea, it's a weird title.  But I am a weird person.  With weird kids and weird family.  So, it's apropos, really.  But I'll still explain.

The little boy in the title photo is my 5 year old son, Elliott.  One Saturday morning, not long ago, I fixed him a bowl of oatmeal and left him at the dining room table to eat it while I got breakfast for myself.  After a couple minutes I came back to him, and noticed he had gone to his room, retrieved a handful of legos, and was strategically positioning them around his bowl, IN his uneaten oatmeal.  I had to blink for a minute and make sure I wasn't hallucinating from having just awakened a few minutes earlier.  Nope, he was definitely sticking legos in his bowl.  The ensuing conversation went something like this:

Me:  Uhh...whatcha doin' there, bud?

Ell: (dead serious expression) Putting legos in my oatmeal.

Me:  Well yea, I can see that.  But WHY are you putting legos in your oatmeal?

(He looks me in the eye with a totally incredulous expression, so odd was it for anyone to question what was clearly a brilliant idea on his part....)

Ell: (all in one breath, following an exasperated sigh)  I like the colors of my legos, and my oatmeal was just one color, and it was boring and it drives me crazy because I don't like boring food so I put legos in it so it has colors that I like.

It took everything I had not to laugh at him...but I had to admit he had a point...sort of- in a strange way.  (I guess I'll have to be sure to put slices of colorful fruit in his future bowls of oatmeal!)  Anyway, he let me snap that picture of him, and it was his idea to put the lego on the spoon and pretend he was about to eat it.

  That story is the epitome of the craziness within a typical day in the life of my family.  So there will definitely be more stories like this to come, as well as any random thing that strikes me as 'blog-worthy'.  Recipes, craft ideas, rants on things that get on my nerves, opinions of popular trends, and other vital information for your everyday life.  Stay tuned, I hope to keep you entertained.